BCE Welcomes New Representation in the South

BCE, one of the largest global manufacturers of PVC-U/PVC-UE roofline and cladding, is pleased to welcome Steve Bowden to represent the company in the South.

Steve joins BCE with 14 years experience of working in the wider construction industry. “I’ve been working closely with regional housebuilders and architects for some time now and while I was keen to continue to work in this field I thought it was time for a change.

I also wanted to work with a UK owned manufacturer, so when the opportunity at Kestrel BCE came up I knew I was interested. On meeting the company and finding out it is one of the UK’s leading PVC-U/PVC-UE manufacturers I was even more enthusiastic about joining the team.

I’m currently going through the induction process of training and handover at the moment but I can’t wait to get started and meet the companies I will be working with in my area.”
For more information call 08702 406107