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PVC-UE roofline products supplied by BCE have been installed on fourteen of the twenty-one halls of residence blocks at Loughborough University to replace the original timber materials.
The installation is part of an on-going refurbishment of the student accommodation, which is due for completion in September this year. The blocks currently undergoing renovation were purpose-built in the 1960s and some are being converted to en-suite accommodation, making the halls much more attractive and amenable to students.

BCE's PVC-UE fascia board and barge boards were chosen for the gable ends to provide an attractive and low maintenance option for the roofline. A combined Over Fascia Vent and Eaves Protector was used to deliver a 2 in 1 solution to eaves protection and ventilation. Ventilation occurs under the product to unobtrusively provide the 10mm continuous ventilation gap required by Building Regulations. The integral comb filter prevents birds and large insects gaining access to the roof space.

East Midlands-based specialists Fascia Mania, a BCE approved installer undertook the installation for the main contractor, F.J.Shaylor (Builders) Ltd from Birmingham. An agreement was reached with the university which enabled the majority of the eaves/fascias to be replaced during the students' vacation period.

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