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Consider a product that performs better than its rival and offers better profits than its rival. Is this a product you should be stocking and selling?

With an opportunity to make money on the roof the answer must be yes - so why are merchants reluctant to sell PVC-UE? Research by BCE Cellular Extrusions reveals that the majority of merchants consider PVC-UE to be a specialist product that requires a technical sell and offers little return.

The reality is in fact the opposite and BCE is now offering merchants an additional profit opportunity in a traditional area - on the roof.

Roofline products - fascias, bargeboards and soffits are already familiar products to the merchant - but usually in timber. Essentially PVC-UE is simply a better product to use in these areas of the building. The use of PVC-U is already well understood in window replacement, its move into roofline is now a growing market and one which the merchant can exploit with existing customers.

Merchants already have a customer base, which can - and do - use PVC-UE. There are two key customer groups that the merchant needs to consider.

Firstly, the small builder. Already a merchant customer and one that buys a wide variety of products to undertake all types of construction and building work.

Many small builders will naturally choose timber for a roofline application. Those who do use PVC-UE will be buying it elsewhere. The challenge for the merchant is to convert the timber customers to a product which offers better performance but with the same handling and fixing characteristics as timber.

The second important market for the merchant is new build. Again this is a market that merchants already know, understand and service. This is a sector which demands a professional approach to business and this is where the merchant has both the capability and infrastructure to service this sector. New housebuilders already work with merchants so the move to selling PVC-UE should be an easy transition.

PVC-UE roofline is not a "difficult" product area to stock and sell. The market exists and is growing. Merchants have the customer base to take advantage of this growth and to develop an additional profit centre to their business without a huge effort or investment.

For more information on how to increase your plastics profits contact Joanne Bowater on 01724 281440.



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